About Us

Ormsby Memorials is a long established family business specialising in the design and manufacture of new memorials and the renovation of existing memorials.  We are BRAMM registered monumental stonemasons and install our memorials in accordance with the NAMM code of working practice.

Ormsby Memorials also supplies church items, please see our website www.ormsbys.co.uk for more information

Products & Services

We specialise in:

  • new headstones
  • cremation plaques
  • war memorials
  • pet memorials
  • adding additional inscriptions 
  • renovation of existing memorials including cleaning, re-gilding and replacing
  • church projects

Providing a professional, friendly and quality service liasing with churches and cemeteries on behalf of clients.

Samples of Our Memorials

Polished Black Granite Wedge, gilded gold leaf inscription and gilded crosses

Britz Grey Granite Bench with sandblasted and filled silver motif and inscription

Honed Britz Grey Granite Memorial with short kerbs and a letterbox terrazzo

Polished Black Granite with sandblasted and filled multi coloured rainbow, inscription sandblasted and gilded in real gold leaf

Britz Grey Granite memorial with ogee top and rustic edges to headplate and base

Polished black granite with hand carved flowers and short kerb set on a  letterbox foundation

Yorkstone memorial with ogee top.  Sandblasted and filled black Dog & Horse motif

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© Ormsby Memorials, Southport, Merseyside