Interior Church Projects

Sanctuary furnishings originally from the closed church of SS Peter & Paul, St Helens, collected from storage facility within the Archdiocese of Liverpool.  Thoroughly cleaned, repolished, missing sections replaced before transporting to Diocese of Dunkeld and fixed in position within SS Leonard & Fergus Church, Dundee.  All in accordance with instructions received.

Marble Altar and Blessed Sacrament Pedestal recently removed from St Edmund's Church, Fleetwood, restored and rebuilt within the Catholic Chapel of St Thomas More in Lancaster University.  Work completed to the insctructions of Father M Docherty. 

Altar and Blessed Sacrament pedestal/re-table in white Carrara and gold Sienna marbles.  Furnishings rescued from derelict Catholic Church in Oldham, missing Tabernacle and broken elements replaced and repaired, refinished all over and installed within Holy Family Catholic Church, Freckelton to the instructions of Father J Millar.

Exterior Church Projects

Exterior sign of St David's Church, Childwall, cleaned, honed, painted and re-gilded in real gold leaf.

Our address:

Ormsby Memorials

25A Cemetery Road



Tel: 01704 880294

Email: memorials@ormsbys.co.uk


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Opening Hours

Mon-Thurs 9am-4.30pm

Fri - 9am-4.00pm



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© Ormsby Memorials, Southport, Merseyside